Sunday, 2 October 2011

What Not to Order

Hi everyone! It's been a while since I followed up on the whole being employed thing. So here's what's happening right now in my life.

I'm still employed. By Starbucks. I've worked two 40 hour weeks so far, and hopefully that'll continue to happen. The goal is to make as much money as possible in this short span of time. I've worked mostly 8-hour days, and usually between 10 and 6:30ish. I've done a couple of closing shifts, which are from 2 to 10:30, and I'll likely do an opening shift sometime soon, but my shifts will continue to vary. I've had weekends off so far as well, which has been nice. That'll probably change :)
And now that I've been there two weeks, I actually know how to do stuff. I can run your order through, I can brew coffee, I can serve you a pastry, I can make drinks, and I can even whip up a Frappuccino for you. I'm still a little unsure of some of the recipes, and there are some weird exceptions to rules (Caramel Macchiattos, for instance, take their espresso shots not directly in the cup...), but honestly, I've learned the French language, and it has several exceptions, so I think I can handle this.

As per the title of this blog, here's what not to order. Or what to order if you want to be one of those annoying Starbucks junkies:
Annoying Starbucks Junky: I'll take a half-caf, triple long shot, Tall in a Venti cup with no sleeve, sugar-free two-thirds sweet, kid's temperature, no whip, extra foam, light drizzle, salted caramel hot chocolate, with maybe an ice cube thrown in so it's not too hot.

Please, don't. You're not cool, you have too much time on your hands.

I work with good people. They're quite funny, and they want to do their jobs well. And they've been patient with me, even when I'm annoying and repetitive with my questions.

So, it's been good. For a first job, I think I totally lucked out.

Thanks for reading!


  1. I love reading ur blog - legit its so much fun. Is that long drink any good? I might go try it out :P

    ps ur awesome :)
    how is church going?

    xo Verity

  2. Sometimes I'm scared to go to Starbucks because I don't know what's what and I just sound stupid being like, "So one time I had this thing and I tasted like this, what's that called? Oh and I'll get it in a medium...or I mean...*mumble-mumble*"

  3. Lorraine, I felt exactly the same way. Seriously. So I always have a big pile of sympathy for people like you. Some of my co-workers are Starbucks experts and can't understand why customers have no idea what to say. It's an overwhelming menu. I understand.

    And Verity! Thanks! The long drink is actually just extra espresso... Not that good. There are some good drinks I could recommend.
    And church is sweet! I've been swallowed into a great group of people, they just decided they wanted to include me in stuff. I went to a small group thing tonight.
    I need to find out how Startline's going. I'll send you guys an email soon. :)
